Hand holds | Loose and comfortable, keep thumbs tucked in. No death grips |
Normal Couple | Man on the left, Lady on the right. Hand hold comfortable, man right palm up, lady left palm down. The person on the left side of a couple is the 'Left Hand Dancer' while the person on the right side is the 'Right Hand Dancer' |
Partner | Men – your partner is on your right. Ladies – your partner is on your left. During a dance, the caller may move your original partner away and you will have a new (temporary) partner. |
Corner | Men – your corner is on your Left. Ladies – your corner is on your right. During a dance, the caller may move your original corner away and you will have a new (temporary) corner. |
Positions | Home position, Heads, Sides, Partner, Corner, Opposite. Couple numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) starting from couple with backs towards the caller and counting counter clockwise (right). |
Arm Turns | Dancers connect by placing specified hands on each other's forearm and walk forward around each other. Do not grab elbows. |
Promenade Direction | Counter-clockwise (to the right). Wrong Way Promenade: Clockwise (to the left). |
Specifiers | The caller may specify how far a figure is to move or turn (¼, ½, ¾, full). The dancer(s) will move to face a new wall for each quarter. If 'full', the dancer(s) will come around full circle to end where they started. |
Line - facing in/out | A formation in which 2 couples are side by side and facing in the same direction. |
Line - two faced | A formation in which couples are side by side. One couple is facing one direction, the other couple is facing the opposite direction. |
Passing Rule | (Also referred to as the Right Shoulder Rule). If the definition of a call has two dancers on the same path and requires them to walk past each other, they should pass right shoulders (unless otherwise specified) and continue. (e.g., Pass Thru). |
Facing Couple Rule | |
Ocean Wave Rule | |
Same Position Rule | |
Twirl | Not a call. A dancing flourish practiced by some couples. Promenade Ending Twirl: Man raises his right hand holding the lady's right hand loosely as she twirls clockwise (right faced) underneath, ending in a squared up couples position. |
Jan. 21 | Forward and Back; Dosado; Single (Inside) Promenade; Couples Promenade; (All 8) Circle left/right; Circle left/right; Single Circle; Arm Turns; Allemande Left; Right Arm Turn (Turn your partner by the right); Stars (Right and Left hand); Star Promenade; Pass Thru; Patner Trade; California Twirl; U-Turn Back |
Jan. 28 | Right and Left Grand; Weave the Ring; Courtesy Turn; Two ladies Chain; Four ladies Chain; Rollaway; Ladies In, Men Sashay; Men In, Ladies Sashay; Half Sashay |
Feb. 4 | Grand Square Right & Left Thru; Box the Gnat; Wrong Way Grand; Wrong Way Promenade |
Feb. 11 | Square Thru; Star Thru; Bend the Line; |
Feb. | Pull By; Wheel Around; Veer left/right; Chain down the line Swing Separate; Separate Around 1 or 2 to a line; Separate Around 1 or 2 and come into the middle; Split; Backtrack; Trades; Lead Right; Swing Thru; |
Feb. | Dosado to a Wave; Step to a Wave; Dive Thru |
Feb. | Pass the Ocean; Runs; Extend |
Mar. | Walk Around the Corner; See Saw; Double Pass Thru; Flutterwheel; Sweep a Quarter |
Mar. | Touch 1/4; Wheel and Deal; Ferris Wheel; Circulate; Couples Circulate |
Mar. | Zoom; Slide Thru; Trade By |
Mar. | Single Hinge; Tag the Line; Half Tag; Scoot Back; Fold |
Apr. | Circle to a Line; Centers In; Cast Off 3/4; Cross Run; Cross Fold; Recycle |
Apr. | Box/Split Circulate; Spin the Top; Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave |
Apr. | Walk Around the Corner; See Saw; Thar/Wrong Way Thar; Allemande Left to a Allemande Thar; Slip the Clutch; Shoot the Star; Shoot the Star Full Around; Do Paso |
Apr. | Cloverleaf; Eight Chain Thru |
Apr. | Pass to the Center; Walk and Dodge; |
May | Review |
May | Turn Thru; Spin Chain Thru |
May | Review |
May |
Review Tag the Line 1/4; Tag the Line 3/4 |
June |
Review |
June | Review, Review, Review |