Mountaineers HOME
Square Dance Lessons
Instructor:Molly Baines

Print out the flyer and hand it out to all your friends - the more the merrier!

Check this page for updates, notes, cancellations and information as the lessons progress
Tuesday February 11, 7:00 - 9:00 pm    (6:30 for extra review)
Stepping Stone Support Center
9032 W. Ken Caryl Ave, Littleton 80128

Lessons have Begun!
We are no longer accepting new students. Please contact us for information on when our next class will begin. Come join us for an introduction to modern square dancing.
Shake off the cold, learn some moves and find out what all the fun is about. Dessert included (just in case you didn't get enough Christmas cookies this year 😕)

Please contact us for more information
Jan & John at 303-877-2442 or

Check out some photos of our dances.
The following sites are recommended for review of the figures you are learning in class:
Class Review
The Basics
Hand holdsLoose and comfortable, keep thumbs tucked in. No death grips
Normal CoupleMan on the left, Lady on the right.
Hand hold comfortable, man right palm up, lady left palm down.
The person on the left side of a couple is the 'Left Hand Dancer'
while the person on the right side is the 'Right Hand Dancer'
PartnerMen – your partner is on your right.
Ladies – your partner is on your left.
During a dance, the caller may move your original partner away and you will have a new (temporary) partner.
CornerMen – your corner is on your Left.
Ladies – your corner is on your right.
During a dance, the caller may move your original corner away and you will have a new (temporary) corner.
PositionsHome position, Heads, Sides, Partner, Corner, Opposite.
Couple numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) starting from couple with backs towards the caller and counting counter clockwise (right).
Arm TurnsDancers connect by placing specified hands on each other's forearm and walk forward around each other. Do not grab elbows.
Promenade DirectionCounter-clockwise (to the right).
Wrong Way Promenade: Clockwise (to the left).
SpecifiersThe caller may specify how far a figure is to move or turn (¼, ½, ¾, full). The dancer(s) will move to face a new wall for each quarter. If 'full', the dancer(s) will come around full circle to end where they started.
Line -
facing in/out
A formation in which 2 couples are side by side and facing in the same direction.
Line -
two faced
A formation in which couples are side by side. One couple is facing one direction, the other couple is facing the opposite direction.
Passing Rule(Also referred to as the Right Shoulder Rule). If the definition of a call has two dancers on the same path and requires them to walk past each other, they should pass right shoulders (unless otherwise specified) and continue. (e.g., Pass Thru).
Facing Couple Rule
Ocean Wave Rule
Same Position Rule
TwirlNot a call. A dancing flourish practiced by some couples.
Promenade Ending Twirl: Man raises his right hand holding the lady's right hand loosely as she twirls clockwise (right faced) underneath, ending in a squared up couples position.
mouse over call for a description
Jan. 21 Forward and Back; Dosado; Single (Inside) Promenade; Couples Promenade; (All 8) Circle left/right; Circle left/right; Single Circle; Arm Turns; Allemande Left; Right Arm Turn (Turn your partner by the right); Stars (Right and Left hand); Star Promenade; Pass Thru; Patner Trade; California Twirl; U-Turn Back
Jan. 28 Right and Left Grand; Weave the Ring; Courtesy Turn; Two ladies Chain; Four ladies Chain; Rollaway; Ladies In, Men Sashay; Men In, Ladies Sashay; Half Sashay
Feb. 4 Grand Square Right & Left Thru; Box the Gnat; Wrong Way Grand; Wrong Way Promenade
Feb. 11 Square Thru; Star Thru; Bend the Line;
Feb. Pull By; Wheel Around; Veer left/right; Chain down the line Swing Separate; Separate Around 1 or 2 to a line; Separate Around 1 or 2 and come into the middle; Split; Backtrack; Trades; Lead Right; Swing Thru;
Feb. Dosado to a Wave; Step to a Wave; Dive Thru
Feb. Pass the Ocean; Runs; Extend
Mar. Walk Around the Corner; See Saw; Double Pass Thru; Flutterwheel; Sweep a Quarter
Mar. Touch 1/4; Wheel and Deal; Ferris Wheel; Circulate; Couples Circulate
Mar. Zoom; Slide Thru; Trade By
Mar. Single Hinge; Tag the Line; Half Tag; Scoot Back; Fold
Apr. Circle to a Line; Centers In; Cast Off 3/4; Cross Run; Cross Fold; Recycle
Apr. Box/Split Circulate; Spin the Top; Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave
Apr. Walk Around the Corner; See Saw; Thar/Wrong Way Thar; Allemande Left to a Allemande Thar; Slip the Clutch; Shoot the Star; Shoot the Star Full Around; Do Paso
Apr. Cloverleaf; Eight Chain Thru
Apr. Pass to the Center; Walk and Dodge;
May Review
May Turn Thru; Spin Chain Thru
May Review
May Review
Tag the Line 1/4; Tag the Line 3/4
June Review
June Review, Review, Review